Friday, September 11, 2009


Dear Congressman Wilson,

Congratulations on your "15 seconds of fame" for showing Americans how to disrespect the office of the President of the United States, and looking like an ass in the process.

It’s no wonder that our town halls have become unruly gatherings where Americans can no longer have a civil debate of important issues without disruptive screaming and name-calling. Your constituents have to look no further than their own elected Representative as their role model.

I’m thankful that you are not my Congressman, but I am embarrassed that you are a member of Congress at all.

Grow up, stop acting like a 5th grader, and raise the level of your debate, or resign.


  1. South Carolina needs new leadership. Go to Ron Miller's website and support him in his bid to unseat Wilson.

  2. When we allow our own Congressmen to disrespect our President in a Session, or say our President is brain washing the children, for asking them to stay in school, work hard.... we have lost our respect and pride in our country. We all know what these people are really thinking and it is sad. I love my President and I could not say that about the last President, that lied, broke the law, couldn't finish a sentence, and embarrassed our country to the rest of the world. Intelligence is a GREAT thing.
