Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Founding Fathers Wouldn't Believe Their Eyes

If the founding fathers were here today, they'd never believe the mess we've created in Washington. It's so bad that even George Washington himself would likely ask that the District of Columbia be renamed so he wouldn't have his family name slandered.

Would we have three separate, but equal branches of government if we were starting our country from scratch today? If you answer "yes" to that question, then you have to tell me the names of the people who would be able to draft the constitution today. And then tell me if it would look anything remotely like what the founders created. I think not.

Would we have a Bill of Rights if our founding fathers had been worried about their own personal political futures or their own personal wealth like today's politicians do? Thankfully, unlike the current cast of characters in Congress, our founders had a collective vision of something much larger than themselves. Today's leaders, um....not so much.

There aren't any Madison's or Jefferson's or Washington's in our Capital today. Not even close.

Unfortunately, today it is solely about enhancing one's own political career first, then parlaying that into making as much money as possible. And don't forget to throw in a big dose of extreme partisanship and hatred to make the entire place as disfunctional as possible.

Everyone in Washington is always looking ahead to the next election and the next fundraiser, and the next lobbying job when they leave public office so that they can really cash in.

As a result, it's no wonder that we have lots of problems, no solutions, and nothing more than a corrupt, bankrupt confederation of states. Yet, no one in Washington wants to admit it or try to do anything to address it. Instead, they are all too busy feathering their own nests and padding their own wallets to even notice or care.

Although it was nothing more than a gimmicky political slogan in the last election, it is high time that we all began to truly focus on "Country First." We'd better figure out how to build a strong middle class and restore a manufacturing economy in the United States or we are in for extremely tough sledding ahead. Remember the Roman Empire?

We also need to figure out a way for all Americans to be able to obtain quality affordable health care. Let's not wait for our present crop of Senators to fix our predicament. They don't care about us, and they don't have "the right stuff." They shouldn't even be mentioned as having the same title as our nation's prior great statesmen who were Senators.

Although there are many Senators who are worthy of criticism, today's rant will simply focus on two--Evan Bayh and Joe Liberman.

Joe Liberman and Evan Bayh wouldn't even make the farm team of the founding fathers. They couldn't even carry the water bucket for the team. They should be cut from the current team for not being able to discern when they have been completely "bought and paid for" and have had their integrity completely compromised to the point where they should no longer even have a vote in the Senate.

It sickens me that Evan Bayh hides behind his professed fiscal conservatism as his reasoning for "going slow" on healthcare reform, especially any creation of a public option. Evan, please, give us a break on the "fiscal conservative" hogwash.

In reality, we know that you are married to Susan B. Bayh, who sits on the Board of Directors of WellPoint, Inc. one of the largest health insurance companies in the country, and a company who strongly opposes a Public Option.

Is it fiscal conservatism that has Evan Bayh so concerned about the Public Option? Or, is it the fact that he and his wife's personal stock holdings increase every time he indicates that he is personally going to kill the public option, that is driving his convictions ? You aren't fooling us, Senator! You're a dog alright, but not a good dog, and not Blue one, either.

How can you threaten to filibuster a bill that contains a Public Option that is overwhelmingly wanted and needed by an ever-increasing majority of the people in your state and in the country?

Well, if your name is ol' "Blue Dog Evan Bayh" it's real easy-- you just keep your eye on your stock portfolio every time you vote in your own personal interest (and in the interest of your wife's company), and you simply tune out the cries and screams of the people who are suffering because they either don't have health care, or can't afford their ever-increasing WellPoint premiums.

And if you are the despicable Joe Liberman you first talk in your 2006 re-election campaign about how you are strongly committed to universal health care and that you should be re-elected because you have the power and the connections and the experience in the Senate to be able to achieve real universal health care reform, including reform of the health care industry-- if only the good people of Connecticut will just send you back to the Senate for another term.

Then, after you get re-elected, Joe, you turn your back on the voters without batting an eye, and boldly announce that you are a whore for the insurance industry. Prostitution is a crime, Joe, and so is your behavior. Stop the hypocracy and go ahead and join the GOP. We expect them to act this way.

It's almost Halloween, normally a scary time of year in and of itself. This year, it's extra scary, but not just because of the gools and goblins knocking on our doors for candy. This year, it's extra scary because we have 535 goons and hooligans in the House and Senate dressing up like Statesmen playing tricks on the voters and treating themselves.

It's time to unmask them, shine bright lights on their behavior, and hold them all accountable. Let's do it in honor of the founding fathers.

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