What if you spent a lifetime in the Senate rising to a position of power on the powerful Senate Banking Committee, at a time when financial markets were in desperate need of true reform?
And what if you announced that you were not going to run for re-election, so that for once, you would no longer be beholden to the powerful forces that could fund your opponent in the next election, and, for once, at the most opportune time, you could exercise your own independent judgment?
And what if you professed to be a progressive Senator who has shown the ability to get legislation passed.
And what if the country was dying for someone just like you to step up and shepherd real financial reform through the Senate--for example, to restore the Glass-Steagall Act? Restoring Glass-Steagall would again provide regulation in a form that we all know and don't fear-- and would restore stability in financial markets again, just like it was during the 60 year period following World War II-- an unmatched era of prosperity and stability.
What if you had the chance to end your career in the Senate on a memorable, historic note? To actually act like a Statesman? What would you do?
Well, if your name is Chris Dodd, you announce that you are not going to take up ANY financial reform legislation for the rest of the year. Instead, you cater solely to the Big Banks and the Wall Street moguls, and set yourself up for a new cushy job after you leave the Senate.
Chri$$, I'm sure that your old friend, Teddy Kennedy, is turning over in his grave. You have sold out all of your principles for your own personal financial gain.
Real classy, Chri$$!
Do us a favor, Chri$$, just resign and take the big money now. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars taking up space in the Senate.
Hey, what is it about the water in Connecticut? Apparently, if you drink it, you forget who you are and immediately want to sell yourself to the highest bidder.
What other explanation is there for you, Chri$$ and your buddy "Dick" Liberman?
Go ahead and pull a Sarah Palin and quit for the money in the private sector. Quit wasting our time.
What a pity, and he used to be such a strong voice in progressive politics. I think it is terrible when good things end up being so wrong at the end.