Saturday, April 30, 2011

Return To Sender!

The 2011 Florida Legislature will go down in history as the most radical ever. They are ramming through every legislative agenda item that has been on the GOP wish list, without any serious debate.

We are told that these things are needed to improve the economy. (Although I’m not sure how limiting the right to register voters or to allow people more time to early vote helps the economy, and I’m not sure how 18 bills targeting women and their reproductive rights are beneficial to the economy, and I’m not sure how deregulating the insurance industry and allowing insurance rates to skyrocket will help the economy, and I'm not sure how cutting public school funding by more than 1 Billion Dollars helps the economy, etc. etc.)

But, most of all, I wonder what we are going to do if all of these changes don’t “fix Florida?”

Can we put the toothpaste back in the tube (or, lest we forget, put the gushing oil back in the ground)? Can we require that all of these new radical bills have a “trigger” attached to them that will make them “sunset” in two years if they don’t work to fix the economy?

Of course not--elections have consequences. They’ve had consequences in Florida for 15 years.

Florida has been under GOP control for 15 years. The current “broken” state of our state government is the GOP’s responsibility. And now they are telling me and you that these radical changes are needed to fix our State (i.e., clean up the mess that they created). Really.... you can't make this up.

Thankfully, all of the members of the Legislature will have to run for election in 2012 because of Redistricting. Here’s a thought. When you see an (R) after a State Legislature candidate’s name on the ballot, remember that it stands for “Return to Sender.”

Remind all of your friends, neighbors and co-workers that it's time to send the GOP legislators back to the private sector before it’s too late to fix Florida.

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