As a result of the last two national elections, it seemed readily apparent that there were a lot of people in our country who looked at the state of our nation and the myriad of problems that we faced, and the electorate sent an overwhelming message that it should be the Democrats that assume power and make the changes that we need. The country was in search of new faces--Democrats with fresh ideas, poised to implement real Change.
The mood of the country cried out for progressive bold policies, including ending the War in Iraq, regulation of our financial system, and finally passing meaningful health care reform. There was a waive of optimism as President Obama was sworn in on January 20.
When I use the term "Progressive Democrat" I do not equate that with a person who wants to overspend foolishly--in fact, I think that progressive policies and fiscal responsibility should go hand in hand. Given the shape that our national balance sheet is in, fiscal responsibility must always be considered, but we need to look at what our true priorities are, and that means doing things differently. In my view, a Progressive is one who understands the need to challenge the status quo, if necessary, in order to effect the types of regulatory change that we need to fix the messes that we have found ourselves in because of the policies of the last 8 years.
However, just when we thought that real changes were coming, we were introduced to the so-called "Blue Dog Democrats" who think it is their duty to be obstructionists to these needed progressive policies. I like to think of myself as a lifelong, strongly Progressive Democrat--because we have a lot of things to fix--and I also consider myself to be a dog lover.
But these Blue Dogs don't seem to understand or appreciate the urgency of the situation, and, with their lack of party loyalty, are inhibiting the passage of the progressive policies that we need. I think that "Blue Dogs" need to pick another nickname for themselves, because lately, they don't seem to be acting much like real Democrats to me, and frankly, they are casting the word "Dog" in an unfavorable light as well.
We are all familiar with the labeling that occurs whenever an elected Democrat is named in print or on television, there is a (D-State) designation after his or her name. The "D" of couse stands for Democrat in that usage. However, in light of the obstructionist character of these Blue Dogs, and their apparent failure to realize and act upon the electoral mandate that was handed to them in the last 2 elections, and in light of their failure to effectively seize control the legislative process (which Republicans always do, by realizing that they are on the same team), I've come up with some other meanings for the "D" after these Blue Dogs' names that convey my feelings when the Blue Dogs act more like Republicans than Progressives:
For Example:
Bill Nelson (D)isappointing--Florida
Evan Bayh (D)isasterous--Indiana
Mark Pryor (D)isingenuous--Arkansas
Joe Lieberman (D)elusional--Connecticut
Blanche Lincoln (D)isgusting--Arkansas
Mary Landrieu (D)isoriented--Louisiana
Ben Nelson (D)eaf--Nebraska
Mark Warner (D)edicated to the Status Quo--Virginia
Tom Carper (D)etached--Delaware
Mark Udall (D)isrepectful--Colorado
Michael Bennet (D)isengaged--Colorado
Mark Begich (D)efective--Alaska
Kay Hagan (D)oggone Ineffective--North Carolina
Herb Kohl (D)econstructing the Party--Wisconsin
Can anyone come up with others?
Actually, I'd really prefer to be able to remove these new nicknames and have these Democrats start to act like a team and get going to fix our serious problems.
If they won't, we need to elect people who will.
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