Sunday, September 20, 2009

Governor Crist, Instead of Dialing For Campaign Cash, Why Not Lead On Green Jobs?

The September 20, 2009, edition of the St. Petersburg Times contains two articles that demonstrate the wasted opportunities for leadership that Charlie Crist continues to display as our Governor.

The first article reveals the Governor's uncanny popularity and his personal political skills in being able to "connect" with people in both political parties. It seems that when the Governor's goal is fundraising for his own personal advancement for his next political job, that he is a juggernaut with boundless energy. No one can say "no" to Charlie, when he's dialing for dollars, and he sets extremely high goals and doesn't rest until those goals are met. The thought of making 200 telephone calls to supporters--in one morning, beginning as early as 5 AM, is extraordinary. Too bad he uses this energy for his own personal advancement and not for our State's advancement--the job he was elected for.

The fundraising article shows me that the Governor could be an amazing catalyst for changing our State. He could be using his boundless energy--with help from members of both political parties-- to solve the problems that he promised he would when he ran for Governor.

Remember how he promised to fix our homeowners' insurance crisis, or to make our property taxes "drop like a rock?" Hey Governor, how about focusing on why people are leaving the State of Florida (so that we have a negative population growth for the first time since WWII), and trying to come up with ideas to make Florida a desirable and affordable place to live?

What about the fact that many accused the Governor of being a passive observer, and not an agenda-setter in last year's legislative session?

These are critical times when real leadership is required and we need our Governor to be singularly focused on being the Governor.

What are we going to do to balance next year's budget? (Hint, we won't have the Federal Stimulus Money to do it next year, Governor.)

The second St. Petersburg Times article that caught my interest and made me think of our Governor and his priorities, both for our State and for our Nation, is the article involving the US military's focus on energy efficiency and global warming as national security threats. The CNA Military Advisory Board, which consists of 12 two, three, and four-star retired admirals and generals from all four branches of our military has issued a report that recognizes that we will never have enough oil to provide for our national security, and that unless we start developing alternative energy sources, we will not be able to service our military equipment and operations. These military experts concluded that until we get off our oil addiction, we are fighting the last war and are not doing the things that we need to do to protect ourselves in the future.

One answer to our energy needs may be algae oil. It may be the best biofuel option for the future. Algae oil production actually acts as a source of consumption of carbon dioxide--that nasty CO2 that we need to dissipate--and growing algae is a productive way to accomplish it.

Algae for Oil production can occur in fresh water (both clean and contaminated water) or in salt water, and even in empty big box stores--we have an abundance of all of those things in Florida these days. Algae is a better, more efficient alternative for biofuel than corn or switchgrass. It also has no adverse ecological impacts such as the ones that we need to consider with offshore drilling.

So, where is Gov. Charlie Crist on this issue? Why doesn't he use this need for alternative energy as a way to promote the growth of good green jobs in Florida? Why not have Florida become the leader in algae oil production in the nation? What are we waiting for? Leadership?

Why doesn't the Governor take the lead and announce that he will veto any of offshore drilling legislation--which is environmentally dangerous and clearly yesterday's unsustainable technology? Instead, Governor, you should send a message that you will insist upon promoting biofuel production in this state, including, algae oil production. I'd like you to make some phone calls to legislators and tell them you won't take no for an answer--just like when you are fundraising.

Governor, we need you to be a leader for the rest of your term. Show us that there is a reason for you to be worthy of representing Florida in the US Senate. Show us that you are something more than just a popular guy and a good fundraiser.

Do something substantive that will actually advance the interests of our State, and not just your next election.

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