We've all seen the cell phone commercials with that annoying guy walking all around the country asking, "Can you hear me now?"
For months, supporters of the President have been wondering-- where is the passion and fervor of the campaign? Where are the policies of Change? When are Democrats going to use their power to pass progressive policies and reverse the course we have been on for the last decade?Why are the Democrats AWOL on pushing through anything meaningful in terms of reform?
Good grief, if you can't legislate real banking reform in this climate, when we are climbing out of a near collapse of our financial system, and public sentiment for reform couldn't be greater, then WHEN will it ever occur? What's the problem, Geithner got your tongue?
Can you hear me now?
For months, progressives have been gradually calling out for the White House and Democrats in the House and Senate to develop a backbone and actually legislate things that help people. (Seems to me that Bush got nearly all of his agenda passed with 51 votes or with "Say Goodnight, Dick" casting the deciding tie-breaking vote in the Senate(and telling the opposition to go "F" themselves on the way out of the Senate Chamber).
Why have we been so enamored with "60 votes," like a baby in his crib staring up at a mobile in amazement?"
Why is it that all of the things the President ran on, he now seems to run from?
All of the things the President detested during the campaign (lobbyists, secrecy, back room deals, bowing down to Wall Street, ending rendition, etc.) have been put on that big back burner at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Obama has been kidnapped by O-Rahm-a.
Looks like someone left that big pot of Change on that big back burner too long and it is starting to boil over. Not only are liberals boiling mad, but independents also made their angry voices heard in Virginia, New Jersey, and now, in Massachusetts (of all places). And the exit polling in Massachusetts and New Jersey indicated that the voters' dissatisfaction was not that the country was leaning too far left, but rather that nothing was getting done.
Our calls are getting dropped.
Can you hear me now?
I'm frankly glad that we don't have 60 Democrats in the Senate any more. Fact is, we never did. Yet, the Administration sure acted as if they did. So, instead of charging ahead to pass things with 51 votes, we've spent months bowing down and bribing the likes of Ben Nelson and "Dick" Liberman. And, for what, to show voters around the country that Democrats aren't worthy of their vote?
Can you hear me now?
Maybe this ass kicking will wake up the White House and the Democratic majority so that they will realize that people are mad as Hell because NOTHING EVER GETS DONE in Washington!
Can you hear me now?
The President and the Democratic majority certainly didn't listen (or couldn't get "service") on Capital Hill when an overwhelming majority of Americans wanted a Public Option for health care.
They didn't hear us when we insisted that cost controls be put into health care reform legislation.
They didn't listen when we asked for the ability to purchase the same drugs manufactured by the same drug companies cheaper from Canada.
They didn't listen when people have sounded the alarm about the unavailability of loans to small businesses, and the absence of meaningful loan modifications for record numbers of Americans facing foreclosure.
Can you hear us now?
If Massachusetts jumping ship isn't a wake up call, then I don't know what will get Democrats' attention.
There are 10 months to legislate before the next election. We're watching and we're angry and we're taking names.
Can you hear us now?
thank heavens there is a genetic component to politics. Is anyone hearing Sam through his nephew Gary?
ReplyDeleteOur team had a terrible week, but we need to see it as a wakeup call, take some lessons here, speak up about our concerns to the leadership, or we deserve to be back in the minority. And with the Supreme's decision today, we have to have the strength to climb "mountains beyond mountains"