Here's a suggestion for the Democrats on Capital Hill. Here's an idea for real reform that is long past due and which should have wide populist support across the country.
Plain and simple, we need a single sentence bill to be filed in the U.S. House and Senate to read as follows:
"The Anti-Trust Exemption heretofore granted to insurance companies conducting business in the United States of America is hereby repealed."
Introduce it as a single subject bill. Allow no amendments. Push it to the floor of both houses. Require one of those famous "up or down votes" that the Republicans say that they love so much (or did during the Bush years).
Let's call the roll and let the votes be counted, and take names.
Up or down: Are you for or against insurance companies having an unfair trade advantage (including the ability to conspire together to fix prices) that NO OTHER BUSINESSES IN AMERICA HAVE (except Major League Baseball)?
Why do we allow this un-American advantage to exist only for insurance companies?
Are they so fragile that they can't compete on their own using the same rules that all other businesses have to comply with?
Surely, even free market proponents must have a problem with this stacked deck, too?
Don't threaten this; just do it! Now!
Do not pass Go, Do Not Collect Buckets of Campaign Contributions. Do Not Wait Another Day! Do it Now, before they use all of their profits and all of their power to buy the next election (which, by the way, became legal today thanks to "The Most Activist Judge of All Time" Justice John Roberts. (Much more about that later.....)
How about it Alan Grayson? Get 'er done!
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