Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Snowe Job

For months I've been sick and tired of all the attention being paid to Olympia Snowe, the Republican Senator from Maine who, for some inexplicable reason, has become the focal point of the health care reform debate in the Senate. I'm sick of the Democrats in the Senate and President Obama bowing down to Olympia Snowe and ignoring Progressive Democrats.

Barack has a thing for Olympia Snowe. First there was the courting and cajoling, soon followed by the waffling, then the capitulation on issue after issue to the point where the Finance Committee's bill has become so weak that even a Republican will vote for it.

Big deal--Olympia Snowe voted once for a watered-down bill WITHOUT A PUBLIC OPTION. In other words, she voted in a committee for a bill with absolutely no immediate or long-term cost-saving mechanisms that would have passed out of the committee without her vote.

Isn't COST SAVINGS one of the the major reasons to pursue health care reform in the first place?

Yesterday, the President praised Olympia Snowe--AGAIN (for her insignificant vote)--even though it is clear that she will likely never vote for the final bill on the Senate floor! Yet she continues to receive praise, attention, and anything she wants.

I've got a much better idea. Why doesn't the President praise Sen. Rockefeller who is actually fighting for real progressive health care reform designed to lower costs? Why all this fascination and love for the Queen of "No Thanks" for the Public Option?

Why is it that Progressives like me get no support from the President for what we want in the bill, while he does a double limbo for any Republican, especially Sen. Snowe, whenever they ask for something?

And today, Harry Reid continued the courtship by inviting Snowe to join the elite Senate group who will try to shepherd the bill through the Senate as it is merged. WHY ARE THERE ARE ZERO PROGRESSIVES ON THE COMMITTEE? This shunning of Progressives is the fault of the "leadership" in the Senate and a lack of leadership from the White House.

Unlike me, Olympia Snowe has never:

1. Voted for Barack Obama.

2. Canvassed door to door for Barack Obama to help him get elected.

3. Made telephone calls for Barack Obama to help get him elected.

4. Donated money for Barack Obama's campaign.

5. Held campaign signs on busy street corners during the election.

6. Acted as an official Poll Watcher to ensure that voters' ballots would be counted.

7. Favored a Public Option.

Why do Progressives who have done all of the above get completely ignored, while Olympia Snowe gets anything she wants?

I'm a Progressive that feels betrayed by the Blue Dogs and the President.

I'm already ready for CHANGE--from the top down.

I'm not falling for the Snowe Job any longer, and neither should you.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree with the author more! Olympia
    Snow is playing difficult, on an issue that is of the outmost importance to her constituents, and to the American people. And yet, she is being treated like a worth-while celebrity for not even committing to doing the honorable thing of promoting the public option!
