Thursday, October 1, 2009

Take Alan Grayson's Lead and Get Your Spine Out of the Closet, Democrats!

Kudos to Rep. Alan Grayson, a Democrat from Orlando, for using hyperbole to illustrate his point about the Republicans' complete absence of ANY health care plan. In case you missed it, Rep. Grayson said the Republicans' health care plan is: (1) Don't get sick, and (2) If you do get sick, DIE QUICKLY!

That policy goes hand in hand well with protest signs I've seen opposing health care reform: "I've got mine; you get yours!" But, considering the fact that those of us with health insurance now indirectly pay for health care for many who don't have health insurance and use the Emergency Room as their doctor, the "Die Quickly" plan would be a money saver (right, Rush, Glenn, Sean?)

Remember back in the spring when the Republicans in the House promised that their own health care plan would be released in a few days? (Psst.... we're still waiting....) Actually, they've released it--just without any fanfare. It's a really short plan. It goes like this--NONE. (But, the GOP plan has an instruction manual for its party members: make sure you act like you are in favor of reform, and even mention that you think that the current system doesn't work--but yet continue to propose nothing and to vote "no" on all Democratic proposals).

Rep. Grayson, through the use of hyperbole, FINALLY called the Republicans out and exposed their do-nothing obstructionist actions like no other Democrat has done. And better yet, when he faced criticism for his comments and calls from the GOP to "apologize" for his remarks, he embraced the opportunity and apologized "to the dead" on behalf of a Congress that has dragged its collective feet for decades and has done nothing while our health care system deteriorates and becomes increasingly unattainable and unaffordable.

How many people have died needlessly over these decades because we have no leadership in Congress on this issue?

And yes, it's time to call out the Democrats on this issue. We all know the Republicans are not going to do ANYTHING. Just like their staunch opposition to the passage of the Medicare legislation in the 1960's, the Republicans cannot be counted on to solve this problem. It is clearly up to the Democrats to do it.

Those Democrats who vote (NO) with the Republicans on health care legislation need to look for another line of work. We are not going to put up with it any more.

This is a problem that Democrats can fix, but only if they will vote together in a united block.

So far, they haven't. If they won't, we need to show them the door.

In the meantime, perhaps Rep. Grayson will take his fellow Democrats to the closest X-ray machine and show them that they too, do indeed, have a spine--and he can tell them how liberating it is to stand tall and firm on principles.

Perhaps then they can get things done.

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